The most profitable aspect of briquette forming can be found during the briquetting process where more than 90% of the oil and water components are pressed out. The extruded lubricants and cutting oils can be reused. Due to the drop in expenses (no landfill charges and disposal costs) the investment in an ATM briquetting press is recovered within just a few months.
Stored titanium and magnesium swarf are highly inflammable. Their importance as lightweight construction material in the automotive industry is continuously increasing. Due to fire hazard particular caution must be exercised when handling these materials. These risks are minimised, however, by the use of an ATM briquetting press.
During the production and refinement of aluminium the socalled dross is formed on the melt. This dross not only contains aluminium and alumini- um oxide but also various combustion products and dissolved residues of the refractory lining. Parts of the dross can be reused and are processed and then pressed with special ATM die materials.
The press agglomeration of special alloys is gaining in importance and has proved successful through the use of the small machine series ArnoBrik 5 and 7 ensuring a high level of applied compressive force and a flexible process management.
In cooperation with the University of Leoben investigations on the combustion behaviour of swarf and briquettes during the melting process of secondary raw materials were carried out. These experiments resulted in a higher output from the aluminium briquettes and, therefore, a higher efficiency in recycling.
As a provider of system solutions in the field of metal recycling ATM offers specifically tailored solutions to your particular requirements. We will also gladly carry out tests based on your specific needs.