Trowellable Wear Resistant Coating
Your Versatile Wear Solution
Wear-Patch is a wear, abrasion and corrosion resistant coating consisting of a mixture of 70% ceramic beads suspended in epoxy resin.
Wear-Patch provides excellent protection against sliding abrasion and moderate impact when used in bulk handling operations.
Wear- Patch can be applied by trowel or spatula and cures under normal conditions in about 8 hours.
Typical Applications
Slurry Lines
Pipe Bends and Elbows
Pump Linings/lmpellors
Wear-Patch is available in two formulations:
Wear-Patch S - standard formulation for
general wear conditions.
Wear-Patch U - ultra hard formulation for
most abrasive conditions.
Technical Specifications
70% concentration of ceramic beads suspended in epoxy resin.
Particle Size
Average particle size is 20/40 mesh (0.4-0.84 mm)
Epoxy resin.
Curing Agents
Triethylenetetramine (Teta)
Wear-Patch S - major component alumina.
Wear-Patch U - major component silicon carbide.
Working Time
Approximately 30 minutes.
Curing Time
Approximately 8 hours at 21°C.
Approximate Coverage
7kg covers 0.75m2 to 6mm thick.
Shelf Life
Up to one year.
Wear-Patch adheres to most clean, dry surfaces including metal, ceramic, plaster, wood and cement. Roughen smooth surface with a steel brush or by sand-blasting. Can be applied in thicknesses from 1.5mm to 25mm with little or no sagging or slumping. On large areas, welded anchors or tack welded expanded metal are recommended.