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Wood Waste Shredder & Crusher
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Introducing a new robust wood wastes shredder and crusher.

This new machine is capable of grinding between 20-40 tons of wood and horticultural
wastes -- cable reels, wooden pallets, tree trunks, railway sleepers and much
more -- into fine mulches and splits within minutes.
- Due to its revolutionary concept - two crusher rollers rotating in
opposite directions press the material against a cutting comb on a screening
basket located below - suitable for all kinds of wood.
- High throughput performance due to aggressive draw-in and 3m long
shredder rollers.
- Low dust, low noise, few fine particles and resistant to harmful substances
due to slow moving shredding tools.
- Production of definable grain sizes due to replaceable screen baskets.
- Quickly replaceable tools with low wear hydraulic drive with
full use of motor power due to load-dependent speed control (constant
power control) with program selection with overload protection.
- Extra large hopper with hydraulic lid, compact transport dimensions
and random selected feed port as part of the hydraulic folding system.

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